Sunday, November 27, 2011
The snowman is back!
I thought Beth and I had an understanding. I do not like that snowman. And here it is once again. I gave the snowman the old evil eye, but he was unfazed.

Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
New toy!
Friday, November 11, 2011
Mattress shaken...not stirred
Sunday, October 30, 2011
The toy basket
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Long time, no blog
Sunday, August 7, 2011
A dog among pillows
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Why, Beth, why?
Beth made us go on a family walk this evening. I don't know what she was thinking. Even though the weather is more comfortable than it has been recently, it's still way too hot for my delicate temperament. And now I'm wiped out...wiped out on the nice, cool tile.
It's not just me...Amos is wiped out too. All the incorrigible beagle wants to do is to take an incorrigible nap.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Extreme Makeover: Crate Edition
Ok, the makeover wasn't that extreme. But Amos and I do have new vantage points now. We've been stationed in the entryway for the time being. I'm not sure why but I do know our old room smells funny. And is a different shade of gray now (dogs are colorblind, you see). Regardless, now I can chew on the squeaky bowling pin from my crate in the front room with my family.

Two dogs, one frog
Sunday, July 10, 2011
What's up, dog?
Well, summer is here. Amos and I have been spending a lot of time indoors in the air conditioning. It's quite the life. Summer also means more visitors to the neighborhood. For instance, the obnoxious tiny white dog who's visiting next door. Amos and I are not fans. Not in the least. We do a lot of barking when we go outside. Hopefully the little white dog gets the hint and goes home.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
A dearth of Amos
I hereby seek to rectify the scarcity of Amos on this blog. He is the second child and does tend to be ignored and upstaged by his big bulldog sister. So here are some updates on Sir Amos Q. Beaglesworth.
Um...he got a bath yesterday. Which is good news because he stank.
Amos continues to leave all guard dogging duties to me. He almost never barks. Can you believe it? A non-barking beagle? But when he does bark it sounds horrendous. The other day he noticed the kids next door hopping around on a pogo stick and raised quite a ruckus.
In conclusion, Amos continues to be the Nermal to my Garfield. But he's family and I love him.

Amos continues to leave all guard dogging duties to me. He almost never barks. Can you believe it? A non-barking beagle? But when he does bark it sounds horrendous. The other day he noticed the kids next door hopping around on a pogo stick and raised quite a ruckus.
In conclusion, Amos continues to be the Nermal to my Garfield. But he's family and I love him.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Amos and the duvet
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
New necklace!
Happy Easter!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Hello again
Hello, faithful blog readers. I'm sorry I haven't been providing many updates of late. The truth is, I'm embarrassed. Why? Because I'm going bald. I know piebald bulldogs are highly soughtafter. Not sure about bald bulldogs. Aunt Emily says it's just a little flank alopecia...that it will clear up and it's nothing to worry about.
And speaking of Aunts, I wanted to share an Easter card we received from our Aunt Diann. Thank you for remembering us, Aunt Diann!

Sunday, March 27, 2011
What a weekend
Friday, March 25, 2011
Identity crisis
Well, I'm without an ID tag now. And a rabies tag. And I bet you can guess who's to blame. Yep, Mr. Amos Beaglesworth.
He has a taste for the metallic. Beth caught him gnawing on the ID tag, but the rabies tag was nowhere to be found. And I know how that story ends. A text message sent to Aunt Emily and an episode of forced regurgitation. It's his own fault. He should know better than to get distracted (and hungered) by shiny objects.

I'm ashamed
Saturday, February 26, 2011
I feel better
Monday, February 21, 2011
Welcome baby Anna!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Outdoor walk!
Today Amos, Beth and I took our first outdoor walk of the new year! It was wonderful. Especially since my knee is now 100%. I had my annual check-up this week and Aunt Emily said my knee was "as healed as it's ever going to be." I just need to go on a little bit of a diet to get down to my fighting weight and thereby reduce my chance of rupturing my other cruciate ligament.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Scary talking bear
A more appropriate title for this post might be, "Beth finally undecorates for Christmas." Now that it's February, apparently it's time for the seasonal decor to come down. I noticed Amos making a funny face:
So I went to investigate. The culprit? A talking bear that was a gift from Grandma Dorothy last Christmas. The bear talked a lot. I guess he wanted his voice heard before he got closed in to the plastic tote and stowed in the garage.
Another post about napping!
Good Samaridog
Occasionally I entertain a guest blogger here at the Avery Dog Blog. Today's guest blogger is Gracie, my second cousin once removed. Well, it's actually her person, Aunt Lynne. Here's what happened:
On Wednesday night around 7PM, when it was cold and icy outside, our dog Gracie was doing something she had never done before. She didn’t come in when she was called. She was whimpering at the end of the sidewalk and looking down the street. Curious, her master opened the garage door to find a neighbor in a wheelchair stuck at the end of his driveway. Quickly the neighbor was returned to his house, safe and sound and out of harm’s way. Gracie was quoted as saying, “I did what any dog would have done. I knew something was not right and fortunately my master looked and took care of the situation.” Without Gracie’s vigilance, who knows what could have happened!!…Good girl, Gracie!
On Wednesday night around 7PM, when it was cold and icy outside, our dog Gracie was doing something she had never done before. She didn’t come in when she was called. She was whimpering at the end of the sidewalk and looking down the street. Curious, her master opened the garage door to find a neighbor in a wheelchair stuck at the end of his driveway. Quickly the neighbor was returned to his house, safe and sound and out of harm’s way. Gracie was quoted as saying, “I did what any dog would have done. I knew something was not right and fortunately my master looked and took care of the situation.” Without Gracie’s vigilance, who knows what could have happened!!…Good girl, Gracie!

Saturday, January 15, 2011
Nap like people
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Happy New Year!
2011 is almost a week old - can you believe it? Michael and Beth weren't home to ring in the new year with us...I think they may have been cheating on us with other dogs. Like George:
And Skeeter:
But that's ok. We love our persons unconditionally and we're excited to have them home with us once again!

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