Hello family and friends. Thank you for all of your warm wishes the past week or so. I'm well into my CCL repair recovery (that's the canine equivalent of an ACL for you humans out there). I'm doing ok. Putting some weight on my back leg. And my pain meds have been cut back. I've been getting a lot of rest. And I always have a leash on now. Don't like that. But it's better than being locked up in a cage like some sort of animal.

I know Amos missed me while I was away. He's a good brother and has been keeping me company as I recuperate.

Can you see may stapled incision? Beth has been calling me 'frankendog.' I don't think that's very nice. I've been leaving it alone so far...mostly because I have no desire to be relegated to wearing one of those cones of shame. A leash I can handle. But a cone of shame? That's just humiliating.