Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

It's a white Christmas here at the casa! A few more inches of the white powdery stuff arrived overnight. Amos and I were excited to play in it this morning!Speaking of excited to play with things, we got Christmas presents! A new black squeaky ball and a new blue squeaky bowling pin. The ball doesn't squeak anymore (I blame the beagle) but the bowling pin still does!Michael and Beth said Amos and I could each have one new toy. But I've been hoarding them.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

It's almost Christmas!

And what a Merry Christmas it will be! Michael just landed in the States after his UK adventure. We're excited to have him home at the casa again. Very excited!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Amos and I got to play in the snow today!I sure am glad my knee is feeling better. I had fun outside (for about 20 seconds until Beth made me come back inside...and she didn't even have a mug of hot cocoa waiting for me).

Friday, December 3, 2010

10 weeks!

What's that? It's been 10 weeks since Aunt Emily repaired my knee? Madness!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

More napping

Amos naps......I nap......we nap.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a very exciting Thanksgiving day at the casa. Michael lost his phone in the Amos and I helped him look for it.Then the food preparations began. I kept a close eye on the sweet potatoes.They turned out ok.But Amos and I were mostly relegated to watching dinner preparations from the hallway.At the end of the day, we were exhausted. And took a nap.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dog tired

We met a new friend this weekend. His name is Kyle. Kyle played with us a lot. And now we're tired. Dog tired.

Ix-nay on the eash-lay

Amos is such a good brother. He noticed I was being hampered by the constant leash he chewed through it. And I'm free!!! And Amos has scary flash dog eyes!!!And I'm free? Not so fast, my friend. Wouldn't you know it Michael and Beth had a spare leash waiting for me. It is cuter, though. It matches my collar. Not boring black.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Look who stole the bed out of my crate - that insufferable, incorrigible Amos Beaglesworth! I guess I shouldn't complain...I was able to leisurely sun myself in the front room. Much more scenic than my crate...with or without a dog bed.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

6 weeks + 2 days!

Yes, I've reached that magical 6 week post-CCL repair time point. I'm walking nearly limp-free. And got the medical ok to gradually return to exercise. I get to go on walks again! Hooray!

I'm still alive...

...contrary to what this picture might suggest. I've been doing a lot of resting and recuperating and regrowing of flank hair. Amos has been keeping me company. So has this silly leash. Aunt Emily said just 2 to 4 more weeks and I'll be leash free! Oh, what a happy day that will be.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

CCL 5 and counting

Hello family and friends. Thank you for all of your warm wishes the past week or so. I'm well into my CCL repair recovery (that's the canine equivalent of an ACL for you humans out there). I'm doing ok. Putting some weight on my back leg. And my pain meds have been cut back. I've been getting a lot of rest. And I always have a leash on now. Don't like that. But it's better than being locked up in a cage like some sort of animal.I know Amos missed me while I was away. He's a good brother and has been keeping me company as I recuperate.Can you see may stapled incision? Beth has been calling me 'frankendog.' I don't think that's very nice. I've been leaving it alone so far...mostly because I have no desire to be relegated to wearing one of those cones of shame. A leash I can handle. But a cone of shame? That's just humiliating.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Avery MIA

Guest blogger Amos the beagle here. Avery's been MIA from the casa for a few days...I miss her. My persons (Michael and Beth) did show me this picture of her...they said she's doing fine, Aunts Emily and Natalie are taking good care of her, and she'll be home soon.I've been keeping myself comfortable in Avery's absence. Beth washed our dog beds yesterday and I found myself to be a beagle without a lounging surface...until I spied this. A mountain of sheets awaiting their turn in the washing machine! So I made myself right at home.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Pepto puppy

I've taken to calling Amos 'pepto puppy.' Why? Because his tummy is pink like the color of pepto bismal. I did not realize that a beagle could be allergic to grass...but that's the going theory. Once again, Aunt Emily came to the rescue and Amos is feeling much better now. Not nearly as pink...or as scratchy. Also, would you believe that he now weighs 45 pounds??? I couldn't believe it either. El perro es muy grande!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Watch dogs

What are we watching, you ask? Sprinklers. Through the open windows. Sprinklers are very entertaining. Back and forth and back and forth they go. I'd like to go attack one, but that's frowned upon. So Amos and I will stay indoors...for now.

Scratch scratch scratch

Well, it's allergy season at the casa. Amos and I have been doing a lot of scratching and a lot of paw licking. The good news is that Beth has been feeding us doggy nutter butters...peanut butter spread on a milk bone. Methinks the doggy nutter butter might be a Trojan horse of sorts...sneakily delivering some anti-allergy medication. But I can't prove that theory. What I do know is that laying on my new dog bed/pillow with a chew toy is perfection.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new

Well, our chair is gone. Reportedly, it smelled and had to go. But now Amos and I have new dog beds! They are very comfy. And I can tell they were sewn with love by someone very special to us.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Update from the guest blogger

Avery is confused as to why I'm blogging...
...and I found a different surface on which to nap.Also, Beth wanted to share some photos from recent travels. Like this one of stalagmites in Ozark caverns.And this one of less impressive stalagmites in Ozark caverns.

Guest blogger at the casa

Hello, faithful readership. Guest blogger Amos Q. Beaglesworth here. Yes, Avery's taking a blogging break. And besides, there have been complaints from the dog blog audience that the blog is written with too much of an 'older/oldest child' bias. I will do my best to right this wrong. That being said, I'm tired. We've entertained a constant stream of guests at the casa and I need a nap.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The glug glug machine

Michael and Beth brought home this contraption the other day. Frankly, it scares me. Especially when it makes the glug glug noises.
I do appreciate the unlimited amount of water it provides. But I like to stay as far away as possible while drinking and keep my weight on my hindquarters...just in case it makes a scary noise and I have to evacuate the premises.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Laundry day

Amos played outside in the freshly-mowed grass the other day. He got a little green. I thought he needed a I suggested he take a ride in the washing machine with the other laundry and loaded him in the hamper accordingly.Pay no attention to the scheming / instigating bulldog in the background...

Tongue tour

Here's a brief tour through some of my licking tricks. I call this one 'cow tongue.'

This one is 'napping tongue.'And this is me trying to lick the sunshine. It's not very effective....This is me after my sunshine licking no attention to the residual frothy drool.