Dear Anonymous, Thank you for the comments on my blog. I like hearing from my fans. And I agree - my life is FABULOUS. Let me give you a rundown of my Saturday thus far. First, I spent some time in quiet meditation, reflecting on my life and my goals for the day.Then I chewed on my fake stick.And then I got in trouble for removing my mattress from my crate...and chewing on it.P.S. Can Mabel come over and play sometime? I'd really like to meet her. I think we'd have fun together.
I have discovered/invented a new game. When the blinds are open, sunlight bounces off my dog tags and fun ensues! I can chase (and have chased) the shiny spot on the floor around for hours. It is endlessly entertaining. Endlessly.
I've heard rumors that dogs in the wild get to chase and retrieve sticks. I, however, am a dog in captivity. So I chase and retrieve a stick made of some sort of space-age polymer.
I am very happy - can you tell that I'm smiling? Michael and Beth are back. There were gone for a while. In a magical world called Arizona. They saw cacti...and grandparents...and freshly painted doors.
The rumor is I will attain my full width by age 14 (that's 2 in person years). So I have about four dog years of growing in front of me. And I must say - I am feeling very broad these days.