Friday, October 17, 2008

Halloween comes early?

I don't know why Michael and Beth thought this was a good idea.... But here I am wearing one of Michael's shirts:
I eventually escaped and am pleased to report that the shirt was delicious.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A new, improved dog bed

Michael and Beth have made the spare bedroom into their office of sorts. Which is great for me. They put a sheet over the bed and I've claimed the bed as my new territory. A superb venue for chewing. Here I am enjoying my rubber strawberry.

Like father, like daughter

I like weekends - especially the extended play time with Michael.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Wide open spaces

Just me, my walrus, a basket of toys, and the wide open carpet. Now that's living.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Indoor play area

This morning Michael and Beth moved all the furniture out of the living areas and onto the tile. I was excited because it created a giant space for me to run around and play. I got tired from running around. So I took a nap. Now there's a man here with machines and he's walking back and forth across the carpet.